Antonia Rakintzidou

Antonia I.Rakintzidou


The external partner of the Law Firm, Notary Public, Antonia I. Rakintzidou is a graduate of the Law School of the Demokriteio University of Thrace. Fully aware of her role as an unpaid public servant, she handles the cases she undertakes with responsibility and professionalism, i.e. the provision of consulting services, the drawing up of Notarial Deeds and their submission to the competent services.
In particular, she specializes in the following areas:
a) Transfers of real estate: Sales, parental benefits, donations, revocations of donations, distributions, exchanges, recommendations of horizontal and vertical ownership, preliminary agreements and contractual contracts.
b) Inheritance: Inheritance acceptance acts, wills, inheritance tax declarations.
c) Family Law Acts: Cohabitation agreements, consensual divorces, recognition of children.
d) Other Acts: Powers of Attorney, Affidavits, grant-elimination of mortgage.
She speaks English at an excellent level.

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